Chloe Campos
Born in Los Angeles, CA. She/Her.
What makes you #VERYYOU?
My passion for using art to tell stories that need to be told.
What do you think is the most precedent issue for women that you want to see change and improve for all women?
There are women out there who do not have a voice. I am hoping to help give them one through my films and affect change.
What’s one thing that gives you confidence
When I set goals for myself and accomplish them.
How long have you been doing film? What are your futre goals? (Career/personal)
My motivation to pursue film stems from my parents showing me amazing films from such a young age. I developed my own style and found my voice as a filmmaker. I touch on subjects that start difficult conversations to bring light to topics that I feel need to be talked about more. As for my career, I am working towards pursuing a position as a writer and director of my own feature films. My personal goal with film is to challenge people's opinions and open up their minds through my visual art.
Its interesting just seeing how far beauty has come. However, it seems like it was a force of hand. If none of this happened - #MeToo,, the rise of black lives matter - it probably would have been business as usual. When it comes to inclusion, do you think beauty is hitting the mark?
I think there has been a tremendous amount of growth in beauty, it feels more inclusive than ever, like there is something for everyone.
Social Media has evolved into a powerful tool for change, especially for the current generation of top models. How do you make it work for you?
For me, social media has served as an amazing way to network and meet so many talented people in my life and receive support from my loved ones all around the world. It connects us in so many ways and personally has helped me exhibit my work and create opportunities from that.