Josephine Baker

To know Josephine Baker is to love her. To not know her is to truly miss out on experiencing an extraordinary woman whose legacy is very much relevant to this day.
Josephine Baker will inspire any women that knows deep inside there's so much more to us than we are given credit for and the potential we each have.
At Valdé we wish to highlight some of the attributes that made Josephine remarkable. Traits that we know many of us possess deep inside in the hopes that it will inspire you to step into your truth as we collectively continue her legacy in ending racial injustice.
Josephine Baker was a woman who's beauty transcended race. She was beloved throughout the world and considered The Most Famous Woman in the World.
An American Born-French entertainer, a decorated war hero, refused to perform for segregated audiences in the United States and is noted for her contributions to the civil rights movement.
From a young age she demonstrated astonishing bravery. Never afraid to speak up and be who she was. She was raised during a time when black people were made to feel inferior than white people. This impacted her to her core.
Disappointed in what was taking place in America, she exercised courage in moving to Paris at the young age of 19.
She lived many lives and created many personas but none as enduring as Josephine Baker.
She was a trailblazer. One of the most famous symbols of the Jazz Age. As a performer and artist she reveled in her sensual beautiful dancing body.
Josephine exploded taboos on race and sexuality wherever she went.
We are inspired by Josephine Baker's courage to live and express her truth. While never compromising her femininity and grace. It made her divine and a complete joy. Her impact cannot be understated. She lived up to prove that people of different races can co-exist no matter what color or creed.
For this and so many more attributes we encourage you to explore, Josephine Baker will forever remain a Valdé Muse.